HPCS 2011
Preliminary Call for Papers and Participation
The 2011 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation
(HPCS 2011)
In Conjunction With
The International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2011)
July 4 – 8, 2011
Istanbul, Turkey
In Cooperation with the ACM, IEEE, IFIP
Bahcesehir University
HPCS 2012 Web Site
Special Issue on HPCS 2011 at Wiley's Concurrency and Computation Journal (http://www.cc-pe.net/journalinfo/)
Proposal is due Sept 30
IEEE DIGITAL LIBRARY http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=5979720
DBLP: http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/ieeehpcs/
Notes are available for Keynotes and Tutorials
Conference Photos are available Under Program http://hpcs11.cisedu.info/program/photos
HPCS 2011 Proceedings and Papers are posted on the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and available here and at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=5979720
Preliminary Program is posted on the Program page
(NEW Extended Final Paper Submission & Registration Deadline: April 29, 2011)
Workshops (All are refereed. May have different deadlines)
W1: Dependable Multi-Core Computing (DMCC 2011)
W2: Cloud Computing Interoperability and Services (InterCloud 2011)
W3: Optimization Issues in Energy Efficient Distributed Systems (OPTIM 2011)
W4: Multiprocessor Systems on (Programmable) Chips (MPSoC 2011)
W5: Security and High Performance Computing Systems (SHPCS 2011)
W6: Parallel Satisfiability Solving: SAT and beyond SAT, Parallel Solving on New Architectures (WPSS 11)
W7: Modeling and Simulation of Peer-to-Peer Architectures and Systems (MOSPAS 2011)
W8: New Algorithms and Programming Models for the Manycore Era (APMM 2011)
W9: Autonomic and High Performance Computing (AHPC 2011)
W10: Pattern Analysis and Recognition (PAR 2011)
W11: Exploitation of Hardware Accelerators (WEHA 2011)
W12: Parallel Evolutionary Computation (PEC 2011)
W13: Sensor Networks Theory and Applications for Environmental Issues (SeNTApE 2011)
W14: HPC Systems for Biomedical, Bioinformatics, and Life Sciences (BILIS 2011)
W15: Security and Performance in Cloud Computing (SPCLOUD 2011)
W16: High Performance Computing and Collaborative Networking for Real Time Agricultural Applications (AgrApps2011)
W17: High Performance Interconnection Networks (HPIN 2011)
Special Sessions (All are refereed. May have different deadlines)
SS1: Digital Home Networks & Multimedia Contents Protection (DHN-MM 2011)
SS2: High Performance Parallel and Distributed Data Mining (HPPD-DM 2011)
SS3: Advances in Computational Methods in Electromagnetics (ACME11)
SS4: Cellular Automata, Algorithms and Architectures (CAAA 2011)
SS5: High Performance Computing for Benchmarking (HPBench 2011)
You are cordially invited to participate in and attend the 2011 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, July 4 - 8, 2011 in conjunction with the International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2011). The conference is to address, explore and exchange information on the state-of-the-art in high performance and large scale computing systems, their use in modeling and simulation and data intensive applications. We encourage papers with both an application or technology flavor (and their multidisciplinary integration). The scope covers architecture, performance, algorithms, middleware, and applications. Work on Clouds, Clusters and Grids are of interest as is use of special purpose hardware like GPGPU's. Invitation to participate is extended to researchers, designers, educators and interested parties in all related disciplines and specialties.
The conference will include invited presentations by experts from academia, industry, and government as well as contributed paper presentations describing original work on the current state of research in HPC & simulation technologies and systems and related issues.
Topics include (but are not limited to):
Architectures and Systems Track
Grid and Cluster Computing
Cloud Computing & Architectures
Fine-Grain Parallelism and Architectures
Network, Cell and Security Processors
Scalable Computing
Distributed Shared Memory
Peer-to-Peer Architectures and Networks
High Performance Interconnection Networks
High Performance I/O
Enterprise and Federated Architectures
HPC Monitoring & Instrumentation
Energy Efficient HPC Systems
Multi-Core Architectures and Support
Instruction-, Thread- and Memory-Level Parallelism
Embedded and Application-Specific Architectures
Reconfigurable Computing & FPGA Based Architectures
Power Aware Architectures
Sensor, Broadband and High Performance Networks
Warehousing and Storage
Architectures for Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing
Nature Inspired HPC Architectures
Innovative HPC (Autonomic, Affective, Quantum, ...)
Architectures for Green Computing
Algorithms Track
Modeling, Simulation and Evaluation Techniques
Partitioning, Mapping, and Scheduling
Load Balancing and Sharing
Mutual Exclusion, Deadlock Detection
Causality and Time
Network Flow and Congestion
Message Passing
Query Processing and Information Retrieval
Learning and Intelligence Algorithms
Reliable Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
Routing, Synchronization, Consistency
Resource Allocation, Sharing and Management
Coordination, Consensus, and Agreement
Fault Tolerance, Replication
Network and Systems Protocols
HLA, InfiniBand and Other Related Standards
Data Mining and Searching
Security, Authentication, Access Control
Software and Middleware in HPC Systems Track
Operating Systems and Compilers
Operating Systems Support
Name Services and Naming
Interprocess Communication
Transaction and Concurrency Control
Brokering Middleware
Enterprise Based Technologies
Benchmarking and Assessment
Web Semantics and Ontologies
Open CL Platforms and Developments
Virtualization and Virtual Machines
Libraries and Programming Environments
File Systems
Distributed Objects and Remote Invocation
Object Oriented Programming & Design
Software Development Tools and Support
Markup Languages and their Applications
Software Monitoring and Measurement
Web 2.0 Infrastructure
Applications Oriented High Performance Track
General-Purpose computation on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU)
Parallelization of Simulation
Bioinformatics and Biocomputing
Internet and Web Computing
Federated and Legacy Applications
e-Commerce, e-Business, e-Learning
Autonomous Vehicles and Robotics Systems
Knowledge Based Systems
Agent and Multi Agent Based Applications
Neural, Fuzzy, and Rough Sets in HPC
Large Scale Scientific Computing
HPC and Education
Service Oriented Architectures
Large Scale Systems for Computational Sciences (Biological, Chemical, Physical, Bioinformatics, Environmental, Transportation, Agriculture, etc.)
Clouds Applications
Data Intensive Supercomputing
Real-time and embedded P & D Applications
Distributed Multimedia Systems
Web Services and Applications
P & D Industrial and Manufacturing Applications
Databases, Repositories and Their Applications
Mobile and Wireless Applications
Cooperative Information Systems and Applications
Computer Supported Decision Making
Granular Computing and its Applications
HPC in Digital Signal and Image Processing and Vision
Vision, Image Processing, and Pattern Recognition
Submission of Papers
Papers reporting original and unpublished research results on above and related HPC topics are solicited. Please submit an electronic copy of your full manuscript (not to exceed 7 double-column IEEE formatted pages, including figures, tables, and references). Additional pages will be charged additional fee. Please clearly indicate the corresponding author and include emails for all co-authors of the papers. Include up to 6 keywords from the above list and an abstract of no more than 400 words. Papers must be submitted in .pdf format only via web at the following conference website: http://hpcs11.cisedu.info/ under the "Upload" link http://cisedu.us/cis/hpcs/11/users/upload.jsp. More detailed submission procedures will be available on this website. If accepted, the final camera-ready manuscript will follow the format posted, which will be made available to all authors.
Consistent with standard practice, each submitted paper will receive a minimum of three reviews. Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Initial selection will be based on full papers. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper, if accepted. All accepted papers in the conference are required to be presented and will be included in the conference proceedings. Manuscripts submitted should not be under simultaneous consideration by any other conference or venues.
If you have any questions about paper submission or program, please contact conference Program Chair: Waleed W. Smari, Voice: +1 (937) 681-0098, Fax: +1 (937) 255-4511, Email: Smari@arys.org.
For further information about the HPCS conference in general, please contact the General Co- Chairs.
Important Dates:
* Please note that completing the Notifications will take several days.
** The uploading systems will be open Monday, April 18, 2011.
+ By Friday, April 29, 2011, 4:00 PM EST (New York) Time.
Workshops and Special Sessions
Workshops and special sessions on HPCS related topics are welcomed. A workshop or a special session proposal should include a title, topics covered by the workshop, organizers information, submission instructions, review process, important dates, total number of expected accepted papers, and any other information for the authors. Proposals for workshops and special sessions should be submitted by November 23, 2010 as a Word file email attachment. See Workshops and Special Sessions page for more information.
The conference will offer tutorials (typically 2-4 -hours) on state-of-the-art topics in HPCS. Each tutorial proposal should provide a title, topics to be covered, targeted audience, prerequisites, and a brief biography and qualifications of the instructor. All proposals should be submitted to Tutorials Chairs by February 25, 2011. Refer to Tutorials page for more information.
Panels and Forums
Panel sessions and forums will examine innovative, promising, or controversial HPCS issues today. They will also address HPCS challenges and future prospects. Audience participation will be welcomed. If you have ideas or questions concerning Conference’s panels and forums, please contact Panels Chairs. Proposals are welcomed and should be submitted by February 25, 2011. See Panels page for more information.
Posters addressing preliminary results, innovative ideas, work in progress, late-breaking results, HPC tools, platforms and products, and other work not suitable for a formal paper and best presented in an interactive setting are solicited. Posters will be held in a special session where presenters will demonstrate their work directly to conference attendees. Proposals for posters are welcomed and should be submitted to Posters Co-Chairs by February 25, 2011. See Posters page for more information.
Demos and experiential showcases of HPC environments and tools are highly encouraged. These may include any of the themes outlined in the conference topics. If you have any questions, please contact Demos Chairs. Proposals for demos are welcomed and should be submitted by February 25, 2011. See Demos page for more information.
Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium
The HPCS Doctoral Colloquium is intended to bring together PhD students working on HPCS related topics, to provide them a friendly forum and an opportunity to present, discuss and illustrate their ongoing research in a constructively critical and informal atmosphere, to obtain valuable feedback from conference attendees, particularly senior researchers and experts in the field. Additionally, the colloquium is meant to facilitate the interaction and collaboration with other researchers. Doctoral students who have not defended their thesis before HPCS 2011 are invited to participate in the HPCS Doctoral Colloquium. Proposals for the Doctoral Colloquium are welcomed and should be submitted by February 25, 2011. See DDC page for more information.
Exhibit booths will be available to display your newest products and technologies. Make plans now to take advantage of this prime advertising opportunity. If you have any questions, please contact Exhibits Chairs. Proposals are welcomed and should be submitted by February 25, 2011. See Exhibits page for more information.
Sponsorship and Industry Liaison
The HPCS 2011 Conference seeks interested Industry Partners who would be willing to sponsor conference events or social activities (e.g., exhibits reception, speaker sponsorship, registration handout packets, special break snacks, etc.). If an industry representative is interested in becoming an HPCS 2011 Industry Partner or would like to propose an event or activity at the conference, please contact the Industry Liaison Chairs. See Sponsorships page for more information.
For further information or questions about the HPCS 2011 conference, please consult the web site at URL: http://hpcs11.cisedu.info/ or http://cisedu.us/rp/hpcs11.
For information about IWCMC 2011, consult the IWCMC’11 web site at URL: http://iwcmc.org/ or contact IWCMC’11 organizers.